Welcome to our new blog. We, the Oudmaster and Faruk Turunz Oud Shop staff welcome you to "Faruk Türünz Oud Workshop" blog. We have recently formed this blog to share information dealing with ouds we are constructing, thoughts and experiences of our customers concerning the ouds they obtained from our workshop and many pictures and videos of ouds and oud music. Please feel free to leave your comments. If you desire to post pictures, threads, MP3 and video clips to the blog send them to us, we will put them to the blog.
Red Cedar Double Soundboard All East Indian Rosewood Trespa Fingerboard Mother of Pearl Rings Turtle Shell Pickguard Ebony Pegs White Plexiglas Rosettes Bone Nut 585mm String Length 4.000 USD Owner Dr. Asad Shasavari - USA September 2008