Welcome to our new blog. We, the Oudmaster and Faruk Turunz Oud Shop staff welcome you to "Faruk Türünz Oud Workshop" blog. We have recently formed this blog to share information dealing with ouds we are constructing, thoughts and experiences of our customers concerning the ouds they obtained from our workshop and many pictures and videos of ouds and oud music. Please feel free to leave your comments. If you desire to post pictures, threads, MP3 and video clips to the blog send them to us, we will put them to the blog.
Jameel Abraham made a beautiful oud in late 2006, using Nomex to construct a "sandwich top" oud. I first became aware of this material, when I saw it being used for the construction of classical guitars by luthiers like Matthias Dammann, Fritz Mueller and Gernot Wagner. I had been considering trying it on an experimental oud, so I was very interested in Jameel's project. A few months ago, I started some experimentation of my own and used graphite composite sheets for bracing the soundboards. I interposed the graphite composite sheets between two balsa welts using epoxy. I used epoxy also for mounting nomex between two Canadian Red Cedar plates.The sandwich plates became perdurable against humidity and temperature changes up to 60 degree Centigrade. There is no probability for getting cracks unless being heavily hit.I made some Turkish and Arabic ouds with sandwich tops and the sounds of these ouds outran the sounds of all my previous Grand Concert Ouds. PRICING:PROMOTIONAL VALUEEARLY-BIRD PRICEDOUBLE SOUNDBOARD OUD WITH MOTHER OF PEARL RINGS AROUND THE ROSETTES (plain, not ornate): US$:4000.- DOUBLE SOUNDBOARD FULLY ORNATE: US$: 7000.-
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